Sailor: Iron Mouse
Title: Sailor Animate Iron Mouse
Villian Type: Sailor Animate
Minion Status: Least of the Sailor Animates
Sailor Scout Equivalent:
Mother Planet: Chuu
Scout of:
Scout Function:
Japanese Name: Nezu Chuuko
Horoscope Sign:
Gender: Female
Blood Type: O positive
Favorite Food: Cheese Cubes
Favorite Drink:
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite School Subject:
Least Favorite School Subject:
Favorite Game: Hide and Seek
Musical Instrument:
Most Prized Possession, other than her Galactica Bracelet that keeps her life intact:
Special Talent:
Odd Habit:
Bad Habits:
Home: Shadow Galactica
Area: Sagitarius Star Zero
Hopes To Visit:
When history lost this treasure, she mourned the:
Favorite Topic of Conversation:
Favorite Space/Sky Anomaly:
Best Physical Feature:
Love Interest:
Personal Idol:
Historical Idol:
Famous (living) Idol:
Prefered Music:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Tree:
Favorite Metal: Iron
Favorite Gemstones:
Favorite Fossil:
Favorite Shell: Star Seed Shells
Favorite Animal: Mice
Favorite Mythical Animal:
"Dream": To become a full sailor scout, complete with her own planet
True Dream: To survive
Sailor Iron Mouse Transformations:
Sailor Iron Mouse Moves:
Galactica Crunch!!
Special Items:
Galactica Bracelet
Name: Aya Reiko
Sailor: Aluminum Siren
Villian Type: Sailor Animate
Minion Status:
Sailor Scout Equivalent: Sailor Mercury
Mother Planet: Mermaid
Scout of:
Scout Function:
Main Nickname:
Other Nicknames:
Horoscope Sign:
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Blood Type: A negitave
Favorite Food:
Favorite Drink:
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite School Subject:
Least Favorite School Subject:
Collects: Sea Shells
Special Talents:
Hopes To Visit: Atlantis
When history lost this treasure, she mourned the:
Favorite Topic of Conversation:
Favorite Space/Sky Anomaly:
Best Physical Feature:
Love Interest: Red Crow
Personal Idol:
Historical Idol:
Famous (living) Idol:
Prefered Music:
Favorite Color:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Tree:
Favorite Metal: Aluminum
Favorite Gemstones:
Favorite Fossil:
Favorite Shell:
True Dream:
Sailor Transformations:
Sailor Aluminun Siren Moves:
Galactica Tsunami!!
Special Items:
Other Identities:
Moves in Other Identities:
Combined Attacks:
Name: Red Crow
Sailor: Red Crow
Anime Name: Karasuma Akane
Anime's Sailor: Lead Crow
Villian Type: Sailor Animate
Minion Status:
Sailor Scout Equivalent: Sailor Mars
Mother Planet: Coronis
Scout of:
Scout Function:
Horoscope Sign: Aries
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Human Blood Type: AB negitave
Favorite Food: Poppy Seeds
Favorite Drink: Liver Juice
Least Favorite Food: Steamed Asperagus
Favorite School Subject:
Least Favorite School Subject:
Favorite Game:
Musical Instrument:
Special Talents:
Hopes To Visit:
When history lost this treasure, she mourned the:
Favorite Topic of Conversation:
Favorite Space/Sky Anomaly:
Best Physical Feature:
Love Interest: Aluminum Siren
Personal Idol:
Historical Idol:
Famous (living) Idol:
Prefered Music: Ska
Favorite Color:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Tree:
Favorite Metal: Lead
Favorite Gemstones:
Favorite Fossil:
Favorite Shell: Sailor Crystal Shells
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Mythical Animal: (the crow-like creature that stole valuable things)
True Dream:
Sailor Red Crow Transformations:
Sailor Red Crow Moves:
Galactica Tornado Special Items:
Galactica Bracelet
"Phobos, Deimos. The lucky twins ... ... selected by the princess... ...of the brightest star in the galaxy. Mars of the solar system."-Sailor Red Crow, page 138 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #1
"I am Sailor Red Crow, a Sailor Scout! All of in this galaxy carry a Star Seed. Only ones with chosen Star Seeds ... ...the Sailor Crystals, can call themselves a Sailor Scout!"-Sailor Red Crow, pages 138-139 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #1
"Galaxia has given me the power of the Sailor Crystal! Galaxia has promised to transform me into... ...a true Sailor Scout, in exchange for... ...the Sailor Crystals of the solar Sailor Scouts. I am now a Sailor Animate, loyal to the one and only, Galaxia!"-Sailor Red Crow, page 140 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #1
Human Name: Kitty Bell
Sailor: Tin Nyanko
Villian Type: Sailor Animate
Minion Status:
Sailor Scout Equivalent: Sailor Venus
Mother Planet: Mau
Scout Function:
Japanese Name: Suzu Nyanko
Nicknames: Cat freak
Horoscope Sign:
Human Blood Type: B negitave
Favorite Food: Birds
Favorite Drink: Milk
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite School Subject:
Least Favorite School Subject:
Collects: Yarn
Special Talents:
Odd Habit: says "mew" a lot
Bad Habits:
Hopes To Visit:
When history lost this treasure, she mourned the:
Favorite Topic of Conversation:
Favorite Space/Sky Anomaly:
Best Physical Feature:
Love Interest:
Personal Idol:
Historical Idol:
Famous (living) Idol:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Tree:
Favorite Metal: Tin
Favorite Gemstones:
Favorite Fossil:
Favorite Shell:
True Dream: To survive
Sailor Tin Nyanko Transformations:
Sailor Tin Nyanko Moves:
Galactica. Puppet!!
Special Items:
Other Identities:
Moves in Other Identities:
Combined Attacks:
Name: Lethe
(Star) Sailor: Lethe
Villian Type:
Minion Status:
Sailor Scout Equivalent: Sailor Uranus
Mother Planet:
Scout of: Amnesia
Scout Function: Guardian of the River of Lost Memories
Horoscope Sign:
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Blood Type: B positive
Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Food:
Hobbies: Giving others amnesia and protecting Mnemosyne
Special Talent:
Prefered Music:
Favorite Color:
"Dream": To protect Star Sailor Mnemosyne by serving Sailor Galaxia and killing Sailor Moon
True Dream: To live in peace with Mnemosyne
(Star) Sailor Lethe Transformations:
(Star) Sailor Lethe Moves:
Galactica! Myusotis Alpastnis!!
Special Items:
"All with life... ...were born to die."- page 115 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #2""- page 125 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #2"To achieve our peace, we promised our allegiance to Galaxia! When Galaxia arrived... our planet found peace through death. Our planet is small and poor. Chaos and war reigned supreme. We had to go with her."- page 125 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #2""- page 126-127 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #2""- page 128 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #2
Name: Mnemosyne
(Star) Sailor: Mnemosyne
Villian Type:
Minion Status:
Sailor Scout Equivalent: Sailor Neptune
Mother Planet:
Scout of: Memories
Scout Function: Guardian of the River of Memories
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Horoscope Sign: Piesces
Blood Type: O positive
Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite School Subject:
Least Favorite School Subject:
Special Talent:
Favorite Color:
True Dream:
(Star) Sailor Mnemosyne Moves:
Special Items:
Water of Memories
Galactica Bracelet
Sailor: Heavymetal Papillon
Title: Soul Hunter Sailor Animate Heavymetal Papillon
Villian Type: (last) Sailor Animate
Minion Status: Strongest of the low-level minions
Sailor Scout Equivalent: Sailor Jupiter
Mother Planet:
Scout of:
Scout Function: Sailor Animate Soul Hunter
Horoscope Sign:
Blood Type: AB negative
Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite Sport:
Musical Instrument:
Special Talent:
Weakness: Likes: Dislikes: Most Prized Possession: Odd Habits: Bad Habits:
Likes: Dislikes: Transportation Vehicles: Hopes To Visit: When history lost this treasure, mourned the: Favorite Space/Sky Anomaly: Best Physical Feature: Love Interest: Personal Idol: Historical Idol:
Famous (living) Idol:
Prefered Music: Heavy Metal
Favorite Color:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Tree:
Favorite Fossil:
Favorite Gemstone:
Favorite Metal: Lead
Favorite Shell:
Favorite Animal: Butterflies
Favorite Mythical Animal:
True Dream:
Sailor Transformations:
Sailor Heavymetal Papillon Moves:
Galactica Scales (Material Collection's book)
Special Items:
"This is the final resting place of dead stars. These butterflies are the last of the stars. The line of butterflies flying to their end will never stop... Did you come here to lose your life too?"- pages 20-22 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #3
"How tragic that that the galaxy's only hope will be burned alive! Now suffer!"- pages 23 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #3
Sailor: Phi
Scout of: the Star Gardens surrounding Shadow Galactica
Scout Function: Harvesting Sailor Crystals for Sailor Galaxia
Horoscope Sign:
Gender: Female
Special Talent:
Favorite Color:
True Dream:
Partner: Sailor Chi
Sailor Phi Transformations:
Sailor Phi Moves:
Galactica Plant Blizzard
Special Items:
Combined Attacks:
Sailor: Chi
Mother Planet:
Scout of: the Star Gardens surrounding Shadow Galactica
Scout Function: Harvesting Sailor Crystals for Sailor Galaxia
Gender: Female
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Stone:
Favorite Color:
True Dream:
Counter-Part: Sailor Phi
Sailor Transformations:
Sailor Chi Moves:
Special Items:
Combined Attacks:
Name: Galaxia
Sailor: Galaxia
Villian Type:
Mother Planet: Unknown; There is speculation that she, herself, destroyed it... OK, that's just my speculation.
Scout of: Confusion and Corrupted Power
Scout Function: True fuction was tainted, and thus remains unknown
Main Nickname:
Other Nicknames:
Horoscope Sign: Sagittarius
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual?
Blood Type: B negative
Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite Sport: Practice war games
Musical Instrument:
Most Prized Possession:
Special Talent:
Weakness: Unbridled greed for power
Odd Habits:
Bad Habits:
Dislikes: Being reminded of her past and and failure
Transportation Vehicles:
Hopes To Visit:
When history lost this treasure, Galaxia mourned: her humanity
Favorite Space Anomaly: The Galaxy Cauldren
Best Physical Feature: Hair colors
Love Interest: Power
Prefered Music: Death Metal
Favorite Color:
Favorite Flower:
Favorite Tree:
Favorite Fossil: Amber encasing her parent's Star Seeds
Favorite Gemstone: Blue Sapphire
Favorite Metal: Gold
Favorite Shell: Sailor Crystal Shells
Favorite Animal: Golden Eagles
Favorite Mythical Animal: (that greek lion-snake-goat thing)
"Dream": To be the most powerful sailor scout in the universe
True Dream: To fight Sailor Moon at the place where stars are born to see who is more powerful
Sailor Galaxia Transformations:
Sailor Galaxia Moves:
Galactica Inflation!!
Galactica Super String!!
Special Items:Quotes:"You are a punk. You were born a punk, and you'll die a punk. Wherever I go, there are nothing but punks like you."- page 63 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #2
"A dream .... A dream of bygone times... ...when I was still searching for answers. Sailor Moon will come here soon. Just as I was drawn here by Chaos. To know the truth. Hurry up Sailor Moon, Your tiny planet is not suitible for our battlefield. Hurry up and come to me. To unleash our powers!"- pages 66-67 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #2
"I will create a new galaxy... the place where destiny begins."
"Even wounded and without your wings... ... you still shine with with your anger and hatred toward me." - page 83 of Sailor Moon *SailorS* #3
"I was born a nobody on a horrible planet... My life was horrid... But one day I awoke as a Sailor Scout. And now I am the chosen one. An ordinary Sailor Scout is worth nothing... I need to be the strongest Star."- page 95 of Sailor Moon *StarS* #3
"Love? Friends? To hang out and roam together is a sign of weakness."- page 97 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #3
"Why did you save me? Kill me! I am your enemy! This is war!"- pages 124-125 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #3
"There will be another future. Light and darkness will be born again. Peace will not come that easily."- page 131 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #3
"A future... Strange how still have that word inside me."- page 131 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #3
"Sailor Moon... You believe in the future of this galaxy... Are you a Scout who loves all? Sailor Moon..... .....The star I finally found. So big and bright, but never mine to have."- pages 133-134 of Sailor Moon *StarsS* #3
Name: Chaos
Villian Type: The Ultimate Enemy; The worst of ALL the Sailor Moon Villians
Sailor Scout Equivulant: Sailor Moon
Mother Galaxy and Star: Sagittarius Zero Star
Function: To be the darkness needed for there be light
Main Nickname: The source of all evil
Other Nicknames: Biggest lonely star; basically anything negative
Birthday: The begining of existence
Blood Type: Pure evil?
Favorite Food: Sailor Crystals
Least Favorite Food: Dust (Get it? Biting the dust?)
Favorite Space Anamoly: Himself
Hobby and Special Talent: Creating lesser copies of itself to send to battle Sailor Scouts
"Dream": To consume to the light
True Dream: To become one with the light once again
Other Identities:
Queen Metallia
Death Phantom
Pharoah 90
Queen Nephrenia
Chaos Quotes:
"Where there is light, there is darkness. Darkness brings light and light brings darkness."
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