Monday, December 1, 2008

Yu Yu Hakusho Database: Kuwabara

Name: Kazuma Kuwabara

Meaning of Name:
Main Nickname: Kuwabara (Everyone calls him Kuwabara- With the exception of Yukina and his own sister with the same last name)
Other Nicknames: Kazu (This is what his sister, Shizuru, calls him)
Horoscope Sign:
Blood Type:
Character Status: Semi-Main Character... Until the last season, where he plays no part, except for the beginning episode and the end episode.
Species: Human with a ever-growing powerful sixth sense
Love Interest: Yukina
Best Friend: Yusuke
Posse: Kirishima, Ohkubo, and Sawamura
Pet: Eikichi (a kitten- female in the dubbed anime, but male in the manga and original Japanese format)
Sleep Oddity #1: Communication with the dead
Sleep Oddity #2: Sleep Paralysis
Special Talents: Finding the best way to get through mazes
Special Fighting Abilities:
Special Defensive Abilities:
Special Healing Abilities:
Nuts for: Cats
Worst Fear: Mirrors (Just kidding... or am I?)
Best Physical Feature: His posture?
Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite Sport: Baseball and fighting
Prefered Music:
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Animal: Cats
Special Items:
Wooden Sword Fragment


Combined Attacks:

Dark Tournament Rivals:
Rinku (lost... just.)

TV Quotes:

Manga Quotes:

TV Interactive Quotes:
Hiei: "That means we only have three fighters left, and one of them is useless."
Kuwabara: "Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, short stuff."
Yusuke: "Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but I think he meant you."

Kurama: "Kuwabara!"
Hiei: "And only five hundred seconds too late to matter."
Kuwabara: "Hey, where's that guy I was fighting? I wasn't done yet."
Hiei: "So which is more humiliating, losing to an old man or to a clown?"
Kuwabara: "A clown, definitely worse to a clown!"

Kuwabara: "Hey, I'm not out of this yet, if Yusuke doesn't wake up, I'll take the last guy."
Hiei: "We'll pray that that doesn't happen."

Botan: "Cover your ears now, it's rather annoying."
*Kuwabara and Kurama cover their ears and Botan blows the whistle*
Kurama: "Ahh! It penetrates my brain!"
Kuwabara: "Really? I'm not hearing anything but the birds."

Kuwabara: "Don't confuse the issue, the point here is that I'm still eligible to fight and I'm the only one."
Hiei: "Yes, but eligible and able are two different words."

Botan: "I think bone cracking is a good sign to rest."
Kuwabara: "Yes ma'am."

Kuwabara: "Wait! This is a no dragon man area, ok?"
Yusuke: "Really awesome Hiei!"
Kuwabara: "Yeah, awesome. Uh, why don't you go about twenty yards that way and fight the rest of them?"

Kuwabara: (about Onji) "I'm glad I left the girls outside, and Yukina's not here to see this."
Yukina: "Go Kuwabara! You can do it!"
Shizuru: "You can't just wait for him to die of old age, bro!"
Botan: "You don't want to lose and disappoint Yukina, do you?"
Yukina: "But why would I be disappointed if he lost a fight?"
Botan: "Oh, no sweetie, it's not true. That's just what we call motivation, you see."

Kuwabara: (indicating the scars Sensui has) "Guess he wasn't lying about all the fights he's been through."
Sensui: "Don't you know what they say about assuming, Kuwabara? These wounds aren't from enemies, no one's ever hurt me that bad. I gave myself these scars as part of my training."
Yusuke: "Great, a masochist."

Kuwabara: (about his Spirit Sword) "It's just my pure energy, and I bet it could kick the crap out of your Spirit Gun!"
Yusuke: "That depends on which finger I use."

Kuwabara: "I'm gonna kick some major tail!"
Hiei: *laughs*
Kuwabara: "Stop laughing, hamster legs!"

Kurama: "I know you must have taken great care to commission him as Spirit Detective, Koenma, how did he turn from humanity's protector to its greatest threat?"
Kuwabara: "Exactly! Or in other words, how did you manage to mess up so bad that the whole world's in danger?"
Genkai: "Shut up and let him talk."

Yusuke: *hits Dr. Ichigaki 3 times* "That was for the three innocent lives you stole! And this one's for screwing with their master!" *punches Dr. Ichigaki again*
Kurama: "Nicely put."
Yusuke: "And this is for my friend who felt sorry for them and got his ass kicked into the ground!" *punches Dr. Ichigaki once more*
Kuwabara: "Thanks for the shout out, Urameshi..."
Yusuke: "And the last one's for me, just for pissing me off!" *the final punch sends Dr. Ichigaki flying in the air and into a section of the stadium*

Kuwabara: "When have you ever saved me?"
Yusuke: "Oh, I'm sorry, I can't count them all, I only have ten fingers!"

Kuwabara: "He just killed a teamate over you!"
Yusuke: "Yeah, everyone wants a piece of me."

Yukina: "I had a kick out of watching you fight, Kazuma."
Kuwabara: "Why, thank you, Yukina. It's nice to see someone appreciates my strategy. See, there was no one worth wasting my energy on, so I had the bad guys reveal their weaknesses, so Genkai could knock 'em down."
Shizuru: "More like you made a big mess and Genkai cleaned up after you, like someone always does."
Kuwabara: "Hey, that stung! You take that back sis!"
Shizuru: "Just the truth bro."
Kuwabara: "Well, no one cares!"
Hiei: "Actually, I'd like to hear it."
Kuwabara: "Stay out of this shorty!"

Kuwabara: "I had a dream last night, Urameshi."
Yusuke: "Was she hot?"
Kuwabara: "It was about our next fight, okay?!"
Yusuke: "A nightmare... it must suck to get beat up in your dreams."

Kuwabara: "Hey Urameshi, what would you have done if it was really a woman?"
Yusuke: "I would have enjoyed it."
Kuwabara: "Hee, that would make a good story to tell Keiko."

Yusuke: "I feel like we're walking into a pizza oven."
Kuwabara: "What's wrong? Are you afraid it's gonna melt your hair wax?"

Kurama: "Perhaps this can only be decided with a game of Janken."
Kuwabara: "Oh yeah, bring it on! I'm a Rock, Paper, Scissors master!"
Hiei: "Janken? And what the hell is that?"
Kuwabara: "Gee man, you really didn't have a childhood, huh?"

Kuwabara: "Hey, I've got legs ya know!"
Sensui: "We'd hate you to waste precious energy on walking."

Kuwabara: "Guess you guys have the same idea we do about scoping out the competition for the semi-finals."
Kurama: "Had the same idea, the fight is over."
Kuwabara: "What!?"
Koto: "And so the first fight of the semi-finals will see Team Urameshi facing off against the unbeatable, indefeatable, beyond believable, Team Uraotogi!"
Kuwabara: "That is unbelievable. I mean, I can’t believe we missed the entire fight just because I took a couple extra minutes to brush my teeth."
Kurama: "It was an impressive sight to behold."
Hiei: "Although I’m sure your minty fresh breath was well worth the delay."

Yusuke: "After this Dark Tournament, all I've felt like doing is sleeping and watching stupid day time T.V."
Kuwabara: "Yeah, and it's such a pretty day too, doesn't feel right to be locked up in a school."
Yusuke: "Uh oh, I think I just got sick."
Kuwabara: "Me too. Heard the arcade's got medicine."
Yusuke: "I'll guess we'll have to go then."

Kuwabara: "It's like a thunderstorm in there! Where's all that weird energy I'm feeling comin' from?"
Hiei: "It's all Kurama, down to the last drop."

Kuwabara: "Oh hey, what happened to the fight we were just in?"
Kurama: "Everyone's dead."

Kuwabara: "Urameshi, tell me what's on the screen, I can't see without my spirit powers. Like what's he saying?"
Yusuke: "Spheres and stuff. Geometry's next year."
Kuwabara: "Okay..."
Botan: *groans* "It's basic math to show why we only have a week. Why can't Keiko be the one with the Spirit Gun?"

Yusuke: "Back to skipping detentions."
Kuwabara: And video games!"
Kurama: "My human mother."
Hiei: "Various crimes."

Kuwabara: "I fought just as many fights as you did!"
Hiei: "And lost them both!"

Manga Interactive Quotes:

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